Folken is Draconian like Van, which means he has wings. Folken's wings are black which are a sign that he does not have long to live. Folken truly feels terrible about the bad things that happen because of Zaibach, but his view of the future is like Dornkirk's: finally creating the destiny machine so that everyone's dreams can come true and Gaea can finally be at peace. Folken and Eriya use their love and Dornkirk's machine to cause Allen and Hitomi to fall in love. When Naria and Eriya die, Folken abandons Zaibach and vows to defeat Dornkirk. It is his way of trying to make right all the wrong that he caused. It was his inventions which allowed Dilandau and hs men to kill so many. Hitome believed he was a good guy, which even he did not believe. In the end he killed Dornkirk but died. (It's was so sad!) His last quote was "May Gaea have her peace! [plummets to the ground] Van..." He was really a great guy and one of my favorite characters (not as good as Dryden though!)